šŸ“– Day 1 Cookbook Discussion Prompt - SADHANA (Spiritual Practice)

Finding an uninterrupted space and time to meditate is a challenge for me. :heart_decoration:

Hi Diane! My family is from Iowa (Waterloo, Burlington, parents went to UofI). I went to Cornell College and lived in Iowa City for a year. Iā€™m from Colorado and live there now.

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Jacquelyn, thank you for taking the time to share a response. Interesting that you bring up gluten and the depression it causes. Iā€™ve just recently learned that gluten is not ok with my body and Iā€™m in the process of grieving that loss.

ā€œI am worthy of two minutesā€ is going to be my mantra this week.

Being vs. Doing.

I am a person who has struggled with routine on every level for decades. I resisted it, like a horse with a bit. Last year I took a class on Yoga and the Yoga Sutras with Sriramji at Hindu University of America. I began to understand the foundations of ABHYASSA (practice) and VIVEKA (discernment) as being at the core of the journey through the 8 limbs of yoga. Without repetition, the clarity and qualities I want to develop will likely be spotty, delayed and maybe even distorted. So Iā€™m not perfect and Iā€™m not even about perfect, but my heart is open to the wisdom of the practice, and thatā€™s why Iā€™m here. Aum ā€” Radha in LA

If I am honest, letting go of desire has always been a tough one for me. As a rather rationally minded person, the notion of desire (joy) may be even a tool for me that helps with personal growth in a positive way.
Listening to Biet Simkinā€™s audiobook ā€œDonā€™t just sit thereā€ has been very helpful here. She refers to the fourth way, that her father, an enlightened shaman, taught her. What I find interesting with the ā€œfourth wayā€ (George Gurdjieff) is that they established a spiritual method that goes along with mundane life. Desire is part of being human, and I cannot deny that I am one, or?
I see of course, that desire, when it comes to clinging and rage, is not helpful.


Hi everyone! I really enjoyed the talk today, " we may need many alarm clocks to wake us up" this was a great reminder to not get to fixated on just one method. My ups and downs are not sticking to a schedule; as you all see, I am a bit behind, but I know the best part of any practice is being honest, holding myself accountable, and also giving myself grace. Have a great weekend, everyone.

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What a small world. So lovely to meet you, Maggie

Ups and downsā€¦ ups: remembering that there are so many others on the path (thanks to gatherings such as these!) and feeling the flow of spirit when Iā€™m able to let go of my mind/ ego.
downs: forgetting that there are so many others on the path and getting in my own way

Hello beautiful people :wave:

I have set a time to meditate :woman_in_lotus_position:t4: every morning at 7am as itā€™s when the sunrises :sunrise: in zone.

I must admit that 98% of the time I get up & sit in my meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:t4: cushionā€¦ However, there are those time when I lose the battle to the mind & :sleeping: snoozeā€¦

However, I trust that this habit is forming so I must be gentle & persistentā€¦ I will take on the advise of RamDas & be more present in my daily rituals (brushing my teeth or/walking my dog) so I can begin the HABIT of Mindfulnessā€¦

Thank you all for sharing :pray:t4:

Adriana :balloon:


The imagery of this is so powerful. Thank you. I quite the idea of being a hummingbird. There is more than one way, isnā€™t there. There just be.

Distractions. All or nothing mentality. Being busy (when Iā€™d rather not be). They all can make a regular practice challenging for me. By Iā€™ve come to realise that my best is good enough and if I can only do it (a specific practice) x amount of times then that will have to do. Thereā€™s no use beating myself up
about it. Ram Dassā€™ teachings on dharma really helped me when it came to how I approached my Sadhana - being all or nothing and feeling bad when I wasnā€™t able to give it 100% - and like Ram said in the recording, ā€œit isnā€™t falling off the path, it is the pathā€ - I shall try to hold onto that gem!


The main struggle I have is WHAT my practice should be. Iā€™ve been pretty good at getting up, sitting in my chair, and doing something spiritual. I just struggle with direction of if i should meditate, if I should do japa, if I should singā€¦ etc


I want to loudly echo showing up for myself is HARD! Iā€™ve found it interesting that for decades I played competitive sports and not once found it hard to show up for an early morning workout or evening practice. But that wasnā€™t for me, it was to not let the team or coach down. So now I am working with that - choosing to love me; choosing to show up for me. When I donā€™t, it permeates through every facet of my life. When I do make time to practice asana, meditate, and read spiritual books, I find it easier to operate in/out of loving awareness for myself and others.

Random question - wasnā€™t sure where to put thisā€¦A couple weeks ago I went to sleep resting my hands on my solar plexus area. Then, this incredibly strong vibration woke me up! Has that happened to anyone else? What can that mean?

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