Heartfulness Course - Day 5 - Deficiency Models

Access the Course: The Yoga of Heartfulness 4-Week Course • Ram Dass

In this week’s lectures, Ram Dass says most of us come from deficiency models. How would it change your life to leave the story of unworthiness? To know you are loved exactly as you are? How would each day be different?

Name something you might do, something you might let go of, or a way you might be if you knew in your very bones that you were worthy and okay just as you are.


I can’t think of anything I would do, but I can think of a different more flowing way to live…without timelines. Living without clocks, just on the sunrises, sunsets, growing seasons, resting seasons, being in nature. I can’t fathom what that might look like, but it sounds divine. It would also require the full trust in the universe. :green_heart: :pray:t2: :yellow_heart:


I would let go of the chemicals and intoxicants that have been a phony lifeline for me for so many years. I’ve heard RD speak on the inevitable hindrance that substances lead to and I’m currently working through that myself. I’m on the cusp of being as much a enunciate as is possible in my current western lifestyle and I haven’t taken the final leap and keep sliding back and falling on my face. I’d love to be completely sober and vegetarian and exercise as regularly as my sadhana. Sometimes my humanness gets the best of me and that’s the current power struggle going on internally. I’ve seen the God in me and I keep edging ever closer but get afraid when that fire gets a little uncomfortably hot.


Yes! The move from Chronas time to Kairos time!!! Love it!

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Can’t we all relate to this!!!


There’s a deeper thing I’m seeing from time to time that tends to scare me the most: there’s only One of Us here, right? God made manifest into the myriad forms, I have come to understand, because it’s awful lonely to be the only one. I too have a difficult time reconciling loneliness and if we’re the One manifest in the myriad forms and the ultimate goal is to return Home, to the One, then aren’t we all defeating the original purpose of the game? We chose, and continue choosing, to be separate and suffer together, as in compassion, almost as if to escape the inevitable reality of a life of infinite and eternal loneliness.

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I believe I would feel more free to be all of myself without managing how I come off to others. I would feel more open and flowing like @Dana_G said. I would see the world through the lens of love because I would know that I’m loved and therefore be able to release the seeking of external validation in every interaction. I would trust that everything is as it’s meant to be.


I’d do everything with more abandon and less thought and fear. Total surrender.

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I understand what you are getting at here Robert, and it’s sad to think of eternal loneliness. I have faith that it is a different “form” of one. What helps me have faith, is in the “one” of kirtan, the chanting together gets you so high, and you are all one, no thoughts, together in that moment. I choose to believe it’s that sort of “one,” is energetic, in the deep space, no thoughts, something we rarely access (if at all) in this human form. Very thought provoking post… :pray:t2:

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@Dana_G I understand where you’re coming from. The thing that gets me is there must be some reason why we’re manifest from that unity into the myriad.


Do: I would let go of worry or ‘what if’s’.
Be 100% invested in ‘Trusting in the Process’

I have experienced it. I remember how I felt in my life during those times.
I was doing the practices like chanting, meditating, serving, and connecting with nature, and art. Leaning into communities - like this.

When there was more trust, more connection came, and with more connection more trust came. In hindsight, when I step into the Story of My Worth, things always seemingly became more serendipitous, easier, connected, and in the flow. It sounds like I was spending less time in my head and more in time my Heart. Hmmmm.
I guess the key is remembering I am loved - just as I am. Hmmm.

Just recently, with grace and tenderness, I am able to pretty clearly reflect back and witness where I got off track. I aim to ‘remember myself’ back into the flow of experiencing longer periods of connection.
Every day is truly a connection day when I am floating along in that river of trust…


Amy thank you for sharing…it’s always a matter of beginning again, and again. This weekend I went camping and I like to do this alone. I have people that would camp with me, but I enjoy the peace, calm, and quiet of being in nature. It refreshes me.

This time, a woman in the next campsite also was alone. She approached me and asked if I was camping alone. I sensed that she wanted human companionship. Instead of opening to this person, I was polite, but a bit distant. I instantly wondered if my heart were wide open, would this have gone differently? It’s always a dance, even with regular practice, God or universe, is always placing trust and connection in front of us. I guess we always need to begin again.

I love the “floating along in that river of trust…” May we all enter that space.

Thanks for sharing :pray: :green_heart:


Love this. Such a good reminder!

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I would tell people what’s on my heart, not my mind, not what I’m thinking, but what I’m deeply feeling. I knew I was safe, if I knew I wouldn’t be rejected for simply feeling. Each day would be different because my heart wouldn’t be heavy with the things it’s holding onto. It would be liberated to share what it feels. I would be liberated.


Wow. Deficiency models do not just come from family. Remove models of deficiency, perfection, othering… and the world would be an entirely different place.


I would be less in the head, more in the heart.
Maybe I would likedoing PR for my own business more… I don’t like to promote myself and my activities.
There would be so less judgement… I don’t listen to it anymore, don’t believe what the voice is saying, but the voices of comparison are always there…my mind always compares when it feels unsafe. That would be out of my life, wooooow, what a blessing!!!