Questions on Practices

There will be spectrum of connections to practice. But I’m curious to know what kind of practices have you loved? or not loved?

A gentle reminder: This is not a place to compare or advise - no spiritual elitism - simply a place to share, support, encourage, and explore.


My key practice for the last nearly twenty-five years has been almost solely meditation on the breath. I have also done some work with some Tibetan Buddhist meditation techniques. Chanting has also been an occasional practice but not regularly.


I have only used meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: with different apps to guide me. For 2 years+ I have used them for anxiety, depression, stress, pain- physical & emotional. Meditation & mindfulness really help. I read Be Here Now about 50 years ago, living on a nude beach on Vancouver Island!! Time for a refresher!


Mindfulness, meditation and yoga. Journaling is also a powerful practice that works well for me.


Mindfulness has been a large part of my life for about 20 years. I’ve practiced yoga on and off for about 6 years. I’ve been meditating on and off for about 8 years. Reading, learning, and Journaling for many years as well.


Compassionate mindfulness, Mind Body approaches like swaying, yoga, shaking nd dancing, creative/expressive meditation, analytical meditation, and loving kindness/Metta meditation.


Yoga, meditation, mommying and just got a set of bongos I’m trying to incorporate


I gravitate to meditation & mantra. I also practice yoga but lack discipline in asanas— Akhanda and Yin mostly— also Kundalini and yoga nidra.


Ive quite enjoyed chanting, usually while listening to a Krishna Das song. Learning and chanting the Hanuman Chalisa as well was fun and helpful for my life. And Transcendental Meditation too.


Yoga :heart: Mediation :heart: Breathwork :heart: Reiki :heart:


Hatha yoga, breath meditation and mindfulness have been my foundations!


I follow a daily morning sadhana including meditation, kirtan, pranyama and asanas. I also try to get in some teachings each day, reading or listening.

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Yoga, meditation,chanting,art,gardening,caring for others are my practices with breathing and yoga nidra at the core.

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Yoga, meditation, walking, hiking

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I’ve been developing my practice using meditation, mindfulness and compassion only recently heard about Ram Dass - everything I hear is wise and resonates. So looking forwards to the course and learning more

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I love mindfulness practice, prayer, readings…and most of all bringing it to every moment of my daily life using challenges as food for my practice… I love it and sometimes when I forget why I am here I get desperate .

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I was initiated into a spiritual practice a little over 50 years ago that had fairly strict requirements: Sit in a specific posture on a silk or wool blanket, meditate early in the morning, but not after a meal, etc. I would have spurts of regular practice for weeks or months, but not what I would call a long term daily practice.

When the pandemic began, I was reaching out for anything to hold onto and discovered mindfulness, a practice which had almost no requirements, except daily practice. It could be done lying down, sitting on a cushion, sitting in a chair, walking, sitting on a park, bench, etc. Using daily guided meditations, helped establish my daily practice which has continued for several years now.


Hi there, I do have a general question that is related to this course.
I am based in Berlin/Germany and will be visiting the US in May/June. Currently I am looking for a retreat, course, community gathering, workshop or anything similar that focuses on mindfulness practices of any kind, including camping in nature, meditation, ceremonies, asf. My first June week is still free and I’d like to connect with like minded people in the US within the frame of a community gathering.

If anyone here may know of interesting and recommendable institutions or communities, I’d be more than grateful to get informed about them.

Thank you and speak soon, Nina

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I love listening to guided meditations - Ram Dass especially - but also Panache Desai - Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith… Tara Brach and many others. I often question if this is as high a spiritual practice as just sitting for say 20-40 minutes - being with my breath. Which was what I first learned as meditation with Andrew Cohen. I usually these days get more distracted when I "just “sit” and prefer guided meditations as they tend to help me feel uplifted. I also use the SOAAK app which has energy frequencies as well as some guided ones that shift the energy. My practices also include affirmative prayer and affirmations as well as meditation and chanting.


On and off (mainly the later) on Vietnamese interpretation of Buddhist
Meditation. Japanese Zen Buddhism, and book/audiobooks ranging from Psychedelics, Positive Mental attitude material. back to my books on Buddhism and other stuff.
Of late I have begun yoga, and my meditation being daily before I leave which helps.

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