Ram Dass at my Wedding

Since it was Ram Dass’ birthday on April 6, I was looking back at photos of him and was struck by this shot of him from my wedding back in Sep 2019. Just 3 months before he died.

Ram Dass wasn’t feeling well that day, he had a slight fever, but he still managed to be a powerful light throughout our ceremony as officiant. As I was saying my vows, I was a bit nervous. All of a sudden I feel Ram Dass grip my right hand, and I felt a rush of love and support. Needless to say, it was a big comforting boost and I was able to go through with everything beautifully. It was a touching gesture, and very meaningful to me to know he was so in tune with me. Whatever was going on for him, Ram Dass was able to support me during such a big moment.

I am so fortunate to have been able to be so close to him in the last years of his life. Just his existence has had such a huge impact on so many aspects of my life. I’m forever grateful for his life, and everything he did with it. :sparkling_heart:


Thank you for sharing this beautiful memory :purple_heart:

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This is such a special memory. It brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderfully gentle and loving spirit he was and continues to be and I’m sure he saw the same in you! <3 Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for sharing these photos Kelly. I just wanna see your whole wedding album now!
You are very blessed to have had Ram Dass in our life, and on your wedding day sharing unconditional love and support to you and your husband. Especially within the last few months of his life here on Earth.
Jai Baba Ram Dass
Ram Ram