Hello and Namaste,
I live in Lebanon, Oregon in the Willamette Valley (near Corvallis/Albany area). Currently I have been feeling such a deep need for Satsang. This community and course have been excellent, but am still yearning for more personal and regular connection.
Leaves me with two questions:
Is there anyone in the local area that knows of such a community?
Is there anyone in the local area that would be interested in being involved starting or supporting such a group?
Any thoughts or suggestions are very welcome.
Hi Raleigh, I am in Eugene. And have relatives in Brownsville and Scio. At one time I think there was a Satsang in Eugene, but it never took off, or had issues, because it came about just as COVID and the shutdowns and whatnot happened in 2020, so things never came to fruition. While Eugene and Lebanon are far from one another, I agree Id love to see an Oregon satsang form! Ive considered trying to start one myself but never fully went for it. I know there was at one time a Zoom satsang for folks trying to start satsangs in their community and Jackie and LSR would give tips I think on how to go about it. I share your enthusiasm and hope we can get a satsang in Eugene and Lebanon going
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Good day Zac!
I was hoping you might notice this post. After “meeting” you on the Zoom call, and seeing some of your responses here, I held space that we might connect deeper.
I understand from your posts about walking, that you are without a vehicle at the moment. Walking is a tremendous activity, whether out of need or choice. I too have struggled transportation limits, and only in the past couple years have reestablished having a car. It would be my pleasure to share this blessing with you however you may need. I dm’d you my contact info, and if you have a need or desire to get somewhere, please reach out.
Currently we are organizing on an informal level in my hometown of Lebanon. We have a small but close Yoga (asana) group practicing out of Vidya Wellness, and from this are making social connections and defining the need for more. In the (hopefully) near future, this will develop into some kind of meditation group or spiritual study of some type, Satsang and Ashram to follow. All of this is still forming and coming together, but is undeniably building momentum.
I would love to meet you in person, and possibly introduce you to my Yogi brother, at some point if you’re interested. Further, I would like to invite you and all of your family to join us in asana practice. I could even help with transportation if you so desire to attend.
I don’t know what the future may hold, but am very happy to connect with you. Together we all can create the spaciousness needed for something grander than any one of us, and help heal and evolve out communities and region. The potential is energizing! If you have any need that I may be able to assist, conversation, friendship or otherwise, please reach out in whatever form is comfortable for you.

Yes! Email me and I will send more resources.
I was thinking that I’d like to start one too, in Dorset U.K.
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